10 Tips for Ensuring Online Privacy

As many individuals and companies worldwide are gravitating to online learning courses, professional development webinars and online meetings; cybersecurity becomes an important consideration in maintaining personal privacy. The platform Zoom has increased its audience during COVID-19, quickly becoming the front-runner for connecting learners and professionals growing from 10 million users to over 200 million users in three months. As we maintain physical distancing, you may now have more time and opportunities to access free online training courses that can enhance your skills, knowledge and resume.

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The Value of an Informational Interview

While many have heard of informational interviews, there are few job seekers that feel comfortable contacting an employer with such a request.
What kind of questions do I ask? Will I be bothering them? How is it going to help me in the long run?
These are common and very legitimate questions that we hear often. This post is designed to help you develop a clearer understanding of the benefits of an informational interview and the process involved.
First, let’s start by making the distinction between a job interview and an informational interview. A job interview is arranged by a potential employer in response to your job application. It indicates that you are seen as a suitable candidate for the position and are moving on to the next step in the recruitment process. On the other hand, an informational interview is arranged by the job seeker, displaced worker, career changer, recent graduate or aspiring student.

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Interviewing: From Ok to Awesome in Five Steps

As an Employment Counsellor, a major part of my job is coaching people on job interviews. I have the benefit, in this job, of having personally been in more job interviews than most people will in a life time. When I was younger, I worked as a seasonal labourer and had to find a new job every winter when I got laid off from my summer gig. Over the years I have worked in customer service roles, print production, restaurants, general labour, in education, publicity and, even for a little while, as a junior forest ranger. Interviewing has just always been a part of my life. Over the years I have learned five reasonably simple things that have had a major impact on my interview skills. Doing these things won’t be a complete substitute for good preparation, but if practiced as part of your interview prep they can give you much more control over interview situations.

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Starting Over – Tips for Overcoming Loss

Many of us have dealt with career-related losses in our work life. Whether it is from a company downsizing, business closure, workplace termination or a failed business venture, the need to regroup and start over again can be daunting. The workingcentre.org highlights information on the Job Loss Cycle in their article, Job Loss – stages of Grieving. When you find yourself experiencing denial and isolation, anger, bargaining/desperation, depression and acceptance, it is important to recognize that these are all natural stages and reactions associated with the loss of your employment situation. Everyone responds to job loss in a different manner.

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13 Reasons Why High School Students Should Have A LinkedIn Account

With LinkedIn being an online networking platform for professionals, it may seem premature for high school students to register. Void of post-secondary education and varied work experience, teens are more limited in the amount of information that can be added to their profile. However, there a wealth of information that can be added to each section and an endless supply of labour market and career planning information that can be accessed. Here is a list of tips outlining how this platform can assist with opening doors to both employment, academic, and scholarship opportunities for high school students.

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"She Made Me Feel Like I\u2019m a Shining Star"

When Hayley Burnett came to EPC seeking assistance with her job search, she already had prior experience working with employment agencies. This had not always been a positive situation for her and, while often offered access to workshops, what Hayley knew she really needed was an advocate.

As a graduate of the Child and Youth Worker Program at Centennial College, she had been seeking long term employment in her field of study since 2014. Dealing with the challenges associated with having a physical disability, she felt she had been struggling with stereotypes including employer concerns regarding potential health costs, her level of independence, and productivity.

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